Monday, December 25, 2017

Week 24: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

This week was good. We had about 12 lessons with investigators and a lot of plans with them but 9 of them fell through. Super frustrating but it's fine. We had a branch Christmas party on Saturday and it was going to be so good. We had planned on about 30 people coming and lots of investigators and potentials coming. It turned out that we had 11 people total and only 1 potential show up. The rest members and us. The food showed up 2 hours late so instead of starting at 6, we started at 8. It was kind of awkward for the first hour just waiting for the food but then we just started to pull out games and played chess and ping pong. It wasn't bad though. The next day at church I was the conductor of the meeting and I did an okay job. But then when the branch president gave his talk he asked me to translate because he doesn't speak Russian. So I translated for the guy and his talk. It was terrible but a good learning experience. After sacrament meeting we just decided to eat the left overs from the party the night before so that was our second hour. 
I am so glad that I have the opportunity to be here is Russia to teach people about Jesus Christ around a time that we celebrate his birth, even though they don't really celebrate it here. I know that the work that I am doing here is true and that if we turn to Christ we can solve any problem that we have with enough faith. I love this gospel and I love how it just makes sense!

Merry Christmas Everyone 
Love you all!

с Любовью,
Старейшина М Франсковияк

Monday, December 18, 2017

Week 23: это самое

это самое.
   This week was good. We had Zone Conference and President Miner took us to an Italian restaurant after. It was so good. Before Zone Conference I went on a split with another greenie. The only thing we did was go and talk to people for 2 hours. By doing such we got 2 contacts! One of our investigators that we have been working with has accepted the invitation to be baptized but hasn't been to church yet because he goes to his parent's house every weekend to help them out. He said that he would come this week though so pray for that guy! This week at church we had 5 people show up. And Elder Williams and I were 2 of them. The new branch president didn't come because he was sick. No worries though. Elder Williams is the 1st counselor in the branch and I am the 2nd counselor.  This calling really keeps us busy. 
ничего страшного.
Я люблю всех

Elder Franckowiak



Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 22: чего?

So this week has kind of been all over the place as well. We went to Volgograd to get the rest of our stuff and so we could take it back to Astrakhan and while we were there the land lady freaked out at us and said that we needed to pay for last months rent but we thought we already did. We told her that we would pay later and so we are going to. We had a couple of lessons this week. Most of them were in English but one lesson was being translated to Portuguese. This African brought in his friend and said that he wants to follow Jesus Christ but he doesn't speak English or Russian so we just had the African translate for us. We gave him a Portuguese Book of Mormon and committed him to read and pray about it. He said yes. I don't know how out next meetings are going to go but we will probably need a translator for all of the lessons. We'll find out soon. Please pray for these investigators. We just need to start the fire in their souls.

Love you all have a great week
Elder M Franckowiak

Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 21: Fam and friends

Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 20: I'm getting transferred

Hello All,

We just got transfer calls and I'm going to Astrakhan, which will take three days to arrive there. It's basically the middle east and it is also way cold there. This is an area where it's basically only Africans in the branch. I hear there are about 20 Africans and 3 Russians. It's going to be so fun. I'm going to be serving with Elder Williams.   Yesterday we had 3 baptisms that the sister missionaries have been working with.  A mother and her 8 year old daughter and a young man named Aren.   The language is still coming along. When people talk to me I understand a lot of what they are saying but I sometimes don't understand if they are asking me a question and what the question is.  So I just say да (yes). And then they say something like, oh I'll just go ask Elder Altuhov. haha It's funny sometimes.
I hope you have a great week!  Love you all.
I'm going to Astrakhan man. Wish me luck!!

Elder Franckowiak

Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 19: Zone Conference

Good Morning,
This week was the week of Zone Conference. We had the Sochi Elders come up 3 days early and stay with us because a train wasn't available until after Zone Conference. The second day they were here the Crimea Elders came and we decided to do some splits. I went with the greenie Elder down there and a Russian Elder. It was cool because we basically did service all day, like digging and raking and sweeping the grass. It was pretty cool and it was all worth it. I destroyed my foot on one of the shovels but its okay. My foot will only hurt for a couple of weeks. 
This week we didn't have a lot of lessons with investigators but this upcoming week we should be doing a lot more of that. 
"Wickedness never was happiness"

Elder M Franckowiak

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 18: он сказал до свидания

дорогие братья и сёстры,

We had a good week and it was kind of all over the place. I went on another split with a missionary who has been out 6 weeks less than me. But it was in our area so it was more intense. We had two lessons set up and I didn't even know how to get there. But the lesson went well and we got there only 15 minutes late. The second guy we went to was also good except we were only an hour late to his house. We went to this small shop that sells goods and when I was buying something she asked for my passport. I showed it to her and she saw that I was American. We talked for like 2 minutes and in the end she told me that my Russian sucks. hahah.
The guy that was suppose to get baptized last week didn't. He texted us and said that he doesn't think that this church is for him. He brought his girlfriend when he was regularly coming and they broke up. So his girlfriend is coming but he stopped. It's all about planting seeds. It's sad to see him go though.
I also gave a blessing in Russian yesterday. It was so bad. haha.
Love this gospel and its blessings!
Elder M Franckowiak

Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 17: Two Months in Russia!

Hey Everyone,
This week was another good one. We got 2 more investigators this week. We taught them the restoration and they both spoke good enough English so we taught them mostly in English. It went really well and they both seemed really interested in the Book of Mormon. We committed them to reading the Book of Mormon and they said they would. Our African investigator, Frank, was baptized on Saturday. We told him the service was going to be at 6 o'clock on Saturday. At around 9 am we get a phone call from him saying that he was there at the church at 6 am and waited outside in the cold for 45 minutes but no one came. We told him that it was at 6 pm and he just laughed. I had the opportunity to confirm him a member of the church on Sunday. I was way nervous but I guess it went pretty well. The senior couple Elder got to baptize him because he would sit in on most of our lessons and that is who he wanted to baptize him. 
One of our investigators has a baptism date for Nov 11th. He is the one that just showed up at church and has come almost every time since.
I also can't believe that my brother is 21 years old today. It blows my mind. 

Love the church and the blessings it brings!

Elder M Franckowiak

Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 16: WOw

Hello everyone,
This week was a good one. We got 2 new investigators this week. One of them we met at a bookstore when we were just speaking English. He came up to us and started speaking English. We asked him if he likes ping pong and lo and behold he is our investigator. The other one came to the church and told us that he wants his kid to grow up with some good friends and how he feels like there is a piece missing in his soul. Well, he came to the right place. Our investigators are so strong and they were definitely prepared by the Lord. I started to learn how to play chess and I can just say that I still suck but I'm getting better. 
On Thursday we went to Rostov because my companion had MLC so I had to go on splits. It ended up being a trio. I was with 2 elders who came from the MTC a week and a half ago. LIGIT that was an experience. I was the man of the house there. While trying to track down a less active, this guy told us to leave and I understood it but the two other elders didn't.  I was trying to get them to leave because they were just standing there. We never found that family but it was a good experience.
Love everyone- keep doing good things!

Elder M Franckowiak


Monday, October 23, 2017

Week 15: zdrasvute

Hello everyone,
This week was a good week.  I got a new companion. His name is Elder Altohov and he was actually born in Latvia. He moved to the United States when he was 5 though. 
Our baptismal date is now set for November 4th for one of our investigators who is from Africa. We still have to fit in a couple more lessons with him before his baptism. We have also been working really hard to make the branch more self reliant and try to help them ask other members for help as well. I hope that goes well.

I think that that is basically it.

Elder M Franckowiak

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week 14: Transfers

Hey family. I don't have a lot of time this week so I won't be sending a group email. It was a good week. We have a baptism date for the 28 of October for one of our Africans. The weather is definently getting colder. Went to Armania this week and it was dope. I loved it. We had fried ice cream. My companion will be Elder Altohove. My trainer trained Elder Altahove as well. I'm staying here in Krasnodar though. 
Love you guys, sorry I'm out of time!!
Elder Franckowiak