Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 37: прямой огонь

Dear Family and friends,

This week we started off in Volgograd and then came back to Astrakhan on Tuesday. Our 2 most progressing investigators fell of the face of the planet. One of then actually went to "Moscow" and the other one just has not been answering our calls at all. The one who went to "Moscow" was the one with a baptism date next week. It really is sad to see them drop off like that. 
We played basketball with an investigator though and that was pretty fun. 
I still have to translate every week when President Zamudio speaks. I can feel myself getting better at it. If I don't know how to say something, his wife will just blurt our what he says. So if something I say is just not understandable she will correct me. It's pretty funny.  With Spring around the corner, I don't have any allergies yet so that's good. 

Он Жив же!
Страрейшина М Франсковияк

Monday, March 19, 2018

Week 36: нечего не случился

Family and friends,
 This week was a little bit of a rough one. It started off good with zone conference. We then went back and a lot of our lessons cancelled on us. We did end up having a branch party on Saturday that I though was going to be a disaster but it actually turned out pretty good. We had 5 potentials or investigators there and they really enjoyed it. We found a guy on the street who turned out, he has had a really hard life and has turned to alcohol. He didn't come to church and we have no idea what happened to him but we will find out later. 
I don't have my camera on me so I will send pics next week.

Elder Franckowiak

Monday, March 12, 2018

Week 35: The Astrakhan

Hello family and friends,

This week was good. We gained 3 new investigators this week and we have a few more potentials that seem promising. The guy who just walked into church last week and told us that he wants to know more is actually really sincere. We have met with him twice and found out that his grandma lives in San Francisco and the rest of his family lives in a country that I didn't understand what he said. It's hard to understand what they are talking about when it gets to countries because it's not really something you study at this point in the mission. But he is here studying and apparently his grandma and family are members of the church. I will ask for more details later. But he has a baptismal date for the 31st of March!!!!! That is the last Saturday of the transfer so if I get transferred I will still be here for it.
President and Sister Miner were in Астрахань this week and it was pretty good. We passed our apartment check and they took us out to lunch at the mall here. After walking around for 30 minutes being super indecisive, we just decided to eat at the McDonald's there. Haha. On Sunday I had to translate for President Miner and honestly it drained me and he was using a lot of terms and words that I didn't know how to say at all. It was good though. Then we had to give a lesson in priesthood and, not going to lie, it was so dry. But the point is, we got through it!

Я вас люблю
Ст Франсковияк

Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 34: Это случилось снова

 Дорогие братья и сёстры
This week was good. We had a few more lessons and we had a few meetings with potentials that were really weird. On Monday we were doing branch stuff on the computer and some random guy just walked into the branch and told us that he wanted to work on his English and his English accent and go to America and be a singer there. He was the all over the place and he could not stay focused at all. It was so funny and then we told him to read the Book of Mormon. He told us that his is a Muslim. There is still a chance though. On Sunday we were almost done with testimony meeting and some guy walked in and the president told me to go see what he wanted.  So I went over to him and he said he wants to know our ways.  So we will be teaching him the first lesson tonight. So many miracles have happened in this branch (small ward) since I've been here.  My new companion is good.  He is pretty good at Russian and we have really been working on our grammar.  I feel like it is already improving.  
Can't think of anything else that happened this week.

Love all
Старейшина М Франсковияк