Monday, December 25, 2017

Week 24: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

This week was good. We had about 12 lessons with investigators and a lot of plans with them but 9 of them fell through. Super frustrating but it's fine. We had a branch Christmas party on Saturday and it was going to be so good. We had planned on about 30 people coming and lots of investigators and potentials coming. It turned out that we had 11 people total and only 1 potential show up. The rest members and us. The food showed up 2 hours late so instead of starting at 6, we started at 8. It was kind of awkward for the first hour just waiting for the food but then we just started to pull out games and played chess and ping pong. It wasn't bad though. The next day at church I was the conductor of the meeting and I did an okay job. But then when the branch president gave his talk he asked me to translate because he doesn't speak Russian. So I translated for the guy and his talk. It was terrible but a good learning experience. After sacrament meeting we just decided to eat the left overs from the party the night before so that was our second hour. 
I am so glad that I have the opportunity to be here is Russia to teach people about Jesus Christ around a time that we celebrate his birth, even though they don't really celebrate it here. I know that the work that I am doing here is true and that if we turn to Christ we can solve any problem that we have with enough faith. I love this gospel and I love how it just makes sense!

Merry Christmas Everyone 
Love you all!

с Любовью,
Старейшина М Франсковияк

Monday, December 18, 2017

Week 23: это самое

это самое.
   This week was good. We had Zone Conference and President Miner took us to an Italian restaurant after. It was so good. Before Zone Conference I went on a split with another greenie. The only thing we did was go and talk to people for 2 hours. By doing such we got 2 contacts! One of our investigators that we have been working with has accepted the invitation to be baptized but hasn't been to church yet because he goes to his parent's house every weekend to help them out. He said that he would come this week though so pray for that guy! This week at church we had 5 people show up. And Elder Williams and I were 2 of them. The new branch president didn't come because he was sick. No worries though. Elder Williams is the 1st counselor in the branch and I am the 2nd counselor.  This calling really keeps us busy. 
ничего страшного.
Я люблю всех

Elder Franckowiak



Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 22: чего?

So this week has kind of been all over the place as well. We went to Volgograd to get the rest of our stuff and so we could take it back to Astrakhan and while we were there the land lady freaked out at us and said that we needed to pay for last months rent but we thought we already did. We told her that we would pay later and so we are going to. We had a couple of lessons this week. Most of them were in English but one lesson was being translated to Portuguese. This African brought in his friend and said that he wants to follow Jesus Christ but he doesn't speak English or Russian so we just had the African translate for us. We gave him a Portuguese Book of Mormon and committed him to read and pray about it. He said yes. I don't know how out next meetings are going to go but we will probably need a translator for all of the lessons. We'll find out soon. Please pray for these investigators. We just need to start the fire in their souls.

Love you all have a great week
Elder M Franckowiak

Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 21: Fam and friends