Monday, May 21, 2018

Week 45: Baptism!!

This week was a pretty normal week but it was also transfer week. We went to Kazakhstan through Astrakhan and stayed in Astrakhan while we were waiting for our train that night. The elders there had set up a branch cleaning at 5pm. We all went there and I was able to see and talk to all my past friends. It was so cool talking with Alexei and to see the progress that he has made in the past 6 weeks that I have been gone. He is already ready to receive the higher priesthood. I also got to see and talk to the branch president down there. The one from Chile. He is such a good guy.
We also had a baptism on Saturday. The sisters passed him off to us about 5 weeks ago. The cool thing was, he knew that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet but he said that he wanted to get baptized in the Autumn. We laughed and taught him a few things about procrastinating the day of your repentance and got him to commit to a date. Such a cool story.
Nothing else though, except the atonement of Jesus Christ is the only means by which we can be saved. то есть the Savior had descended below all things.

то есть он жив
Elder Franckowiak

Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 43: Христос

Friends and family,
 This week was good. We had some pretty powerful lessons with some less actives and have seen some progress with them through the lessons. With this one guy that we met with, we talked about how we can acquire faith and how this life is the time to prepare to meet God. It was pretty powerful. But in the end he told us that he has no desire.... что делать? 
Love Russians. They are so funny and so straight up to you. I love it though. "how long have you been out?" "about 10 months" " oh wow, your Russian sucks. You should be a lot better." It's so humbling. haha
Mans heart shall fail them.

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